
Ensuring Proper Psychological Testing and Scoring

The proper administration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological and neuropsychological tests are crucial in the legal realm. This especially holds true when these tests are used to evaluate the mental health or cognitive function of a client in personal injury cases, especially those involving traumatic brain injuries.

The Importance of Standardized Testing

  1. Guidelines for Diagnosis: Most professionals in the field of psychiatry and psychology utilize the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (often referred to as the DSM) for diagnosing mental disorders. This manual provides standard criteria and classifications for various psychological conditions. [1]
  2. Consistency in Test Administration: For neuropsychological and psychological tests to be valid, they must be administered in a consistent and standardized manner. This ensures that scores are comparable across individuals and settings. [2]
  3. Credibility of Sources: Dr. Muriel Lezak, for instance, is a widely respected authority in the realm of neuropsychological testing. Her work, including the book A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests, is often referenced by professionals in the field. Acknowledging such authoritative figures and their contributions helps ensure that the tests are being understood and administered correctly. [3]

Ethical Considerations in Reporting

The American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines mandate that professionals fairly and accurately report their test results. Selective or biased reporting that intentionally omits scores, especially if they support the patient’s claims, is not just unethical but also compromises the credibility of the evaluation. [4]


It’s paramount for attorneys and clients to understand the significance of standardized test administration and scoring in the context of legal cases. Ensuring that these tests are administered correctly, and that results are reported ethically, is central to the pursuit of justice.

For legal assistance or inquiries about psychological testing in legal cases, contact OTT Law Firm.


[1] “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM),” American Psychiatric Association, 5th Edition, 2013. [2] “Protocols in Neuropsychological Testing,” Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Dr. Allen Daniels, 2018. [3] “A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests,” Dr. Muriel Lezak, 3rd Edition, 2004. [4] “Ethical Guidelines for Reporting Psychological Test Results,” American Psychological Association, 2017.