

5 Tips for Finding the Best Off-Campus Housing

Category: Household Finances Keywords: college rent off-campus housing off-campus neighborhoods college campus off-campus apartment Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/13917 Article Summary: There are many merits to living on campus. But by their senior year, many students want out of

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5 Things You Should Think Twice About Before Buying

Category: Keywords: home improvements spending money on your home improvement thrifty tips tips for being thrifty Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/14791 Article Summary: Whether you’re moving into a new home or looking for ways to fix up your

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5 Ways to Encourage Technology Adoption in CRE

Category: Commercial Real Estate–Advanced Topics Keywords: cre millennials broker agent real estate agent baby boomers technology cre technology cre tools Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/36378 Article Summary: If you’re a typical brokerage, your top agents span generations from millennials

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5 Tips that Prevent Overeating

Category: Food and Drink Keywords: health diet overeating snack healthy food lose weight weight processed food Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/32218 Article Summary: Many people have short-term success when dieting, but making a long-term lifestyle change is more sustainable.

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5 Tips To Avoid Excessive Bank Fees

Category: Household Finances Keywords: bank account credit union bank fees fees banks online banks overdraft fee Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/15700 Article Summary: Don’t waste your money – use these five tips to avoid excessive bank fees. Click through

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5 Tips For Family Business Succession Planning

Category: Business Strategy Keywords: organizational design job design family business growth Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/5447 Article Summary: Only one-third of family-owned businesses successfully pass the company to the next generation. Click through to find out why they succeed

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5 Tips for Reducing Your Heating Bill This Winter

Category: Painting, Appliances and Indoor Improvements Keywords: heating system winter thermostat heating bill weather stripping Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/13733 Article Summary: Lowering your heating bill and making your home warmer in the winter is as easy as a

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Unemployment and Tax: Back to Normal

Category: What’s New Keywords: unemployment, federal, income, benefits, those, check, break, state, compensation, million Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/147592 Article Summary: The federal government typically taxes unemployment compensation, but it granted a partial break for income earned in 2020.

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What Paperwork Do You Need for a Nursing Home?

Category: Retirement and Estate Planning / Investment Keywords: parent, nursing, insurance, state, medical, process, paperwork, loved, information, income parent, nursing, insurance, state, medical, process, paperwork, loved, information, income Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/157212 Article Summary: Wondering how the admissions

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How To Stay Busy in Retirement

Category: Past & Current Standard Articles Keywords: retirement plans volunteer hobbies work Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/140956 Article Summary: During busy weeks at work, you may have dreamt about quitting at 65 and sleeping in every morning. But many

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What to Know About Tax Prep

Category: What’s New Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/144984 Article Summary: In the coming weeks, taxpayers will be getting various documents needed to prepare their annual income tax returns. Click through for some tips on organizing your papers to

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Student Loans — Your Options

Category: Personal Finance Keywords: credit report interest rates student loan payment plan Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/141292 Article Summary: Need money for college? Loans are available, but your options can get confusing. Which programs are out there, and are

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IRS Presents Filing Tips for 2022

Category: General Recruiting Keywords: credit, payments, child, amount, advance, payment, impact, return, taxpayers, economic Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/145951 Article Summary: It’s been a busy few months on the tax front, and as the filing date draws closer, the

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Watching Out for Elder Abuse

Category: Retirement and Estate Planning / Investment Keywords: elder, abuse, adult, older, services, person, protective, financial, physical, suspect Landing Page URL: https://newsletter.homeactions.net/landing_page/18476/157215 Article Summary: Many older adults are vulnerable to violence perpetrated by a caregiver or someone they

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